CV2 is an educational development company owned and operated by David Cole. The gallery images depict recent projects and ongoing engagements that range from next generation, creative STEM learning to college and career readiness to student voice and teacher leadership. CV2 stands for collaboration | voice | vision.

21st Century Notebooking
21st Century Notebooking is a STEM- and STEAM-learning program that combines electronics with journals and sketchbooks, turning the traditional notebook into a tool for prototyping. It’s based on the techniques and affordances of paper circuitry and offers a low-cost platform for exploring the fundamentals of creative learning, systems thinking and trouble-shooting. 21c Notebooking is particularly useful for introducing a tinkering mindset and the fundamentals of electronics hand-in-hand with the many literacies connected with writing, reflection and production-centered learning.
This initiative is built on a collaboration with NEXMAP (new experimental music art and production) and its Inside Out education program, Jie Qi, an MIT Media Lab doctoral candidate and the creator of Circuit Stickers, and Educator Innovator, a National Writing Project-sponsored outreach platform built on the principles of Connected Learning.

Educator Day - Walt Disney Family Museum
Educator Day was typical of the programming developed for the Walt Disney Family Museum – high-engagement, innovative informal learning programs for all ages. This museum program included leading Design Thinking researchers, presentations from local high school students on 3-D printing, an open-access day for local educators and a lecture from a leading lecturer at San Jose State University on Animation on the Art of Physics.

Are You Ready to Plan Ahead
Plan Ahead is a full-semester 9th grade college and career readiness course developed San Francisco Unified School District in partnership with GAP Inc., the Pearson Foundation and Hirsch and Associates. Since 2010 more than fourteen thousand students have completed the course. CV2 managed the curriculum, professional development and community outreach over a five-year period, creating a model for an exemplary public-private partnership in San Francisco. In the 2014, the course was made available an open-source resource.

The Tidal Notebook - a Connected Device
Circuit Stickers, Notebook Hacking and Learning as Debugging – a post from writer, critic, teacher futurist Howard Rheingold; here he discusses 21st Century Notebooking and considers the “Tidal Notebook,” a prototype for a connected device created with CS teacher and tinkerer, Natalie Freed and NEXMAP.org. Rheingold reflects on the practices and learning opportunities in paper circuitry and interviews D. Cole, part of an ongoing video series with innovative educators sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation's Connected Learning Alliance. See "Why We Need the 'A' in STEAM," an interview on Graphite.org, for another discussion of 21st Century Notebooking.

Career Academies | Advisory Boards & Educators
This video was produced by CV2 as part of its work with the National Academy Foundation on a knowledge management initiative, developing curricular resources and leadership development programs to support NAF's national network of career-themed academies. Here NAF CEO JD Hoye explains results of a long-term study on effect career academies on youth and places the outcomes in relation to leadership and the essential connection between businesses, schools and workplace learning experiences.

Professional Development Innovation Lab
A typical teacher training session, this one at Burton High School. a wall-to-wall career-themed high school program on the south side of San Francisco. The Pearson Foundation built out this facility and managed the space with programs for students and faculty over a three-year period. Students at Burton complete a year-long college and career readiness program as a cohort then select from one of three academies -- IT and Media Arts, Engineering, Health Sciences -- for their remaining three years.

SFUSD Workplace Learning - 21st C. Skills
Technology Integration. Workplace Learning. Internships. Community Partners. Student Success. These are the building blocks that went into a summer internship support program for 180 San Francisco high school students who worked in companies and community organizations across the city. CV2 created a curriculum and social network to support students and their sponsoring organizations as they worked together to explore and document a meaningful work experience.
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